An awardee of SEG/Chevron SLS 2017: The Annual Meeting & Exposition Day Sept 25, 2017
Monday, 25 September 2017
It’s Monday, one of the Student mandatory activities was attending the opening ceremony and President’s speech of the 87th SEG Annual Meeting in the convention center (Kathryn was waiting for us at the hall gate and checking out your attendance)
[pola tidur udah bener dan bangun kesiangan jam 8 padahal acara jam 8.30 wkwk, dan pas jalan kaki itu lho harus banget nungguin lampu ijo, kadang ga sabar hayatii wkwkwk. Terus ditanyainkan “hangingout dimana dan gimana semalem?” “cuma ditidur doank” wkwk.. sok alimm ga ngikut ke pub hihi]
10.30 AM, We have the next mandatory to attend the presentation about Interviewing Skill from Chevron at the Student Lounge, I asked a question about “the amount of expected salary asked by the interviewer, should we tell/write the exact amount or not or how? while we’re fresh graduate less than a year experience?” and the answer was “it’s okay to tell your expected salary but you have to research the range for fresh graduate and range for it such company you’re applying for”. [Siap siap nih udah mau lulus hahaha]
After finishing it, we’re [berlima yg semua Asian] going to get lunch in Houston Center in McKinney St. a few blocks from Convention Center. At the first we do not know where just following the google map from Lamar St. that told this building should be a right place, but we do not and turn till we found a barricade building renovation and turn back on the side that we’ve passed, and then, you needed a lift to get there lol.. [owalaa jadi ini sebenernya kayak mall gitu tapi tertutup gitu di lantai 3 gitu jadi bawahnya itu kyak tempat parkir gitu dan ternyata di dalemnya itu rame banget orang donk.. dan yakan jam makan siang].
I had Pho Noodle, tbh asian food will always be the best haha.. Oh My God, feeling like home the taste is so delicious and strong seasoning.
“[Surgaaaaaa setelah 4 hari yang beneran makanan barat yang hambar dan ini pho noodle yang duh enaaaakkkk bangettttt… makanan asia pokoke terbaeeekkk!! Lupa harganya berapa klo gasalah $8 udah sama minum dan pajaknya.. btw meskipun makan ditempat tapi packagingnya itu kyak takeaway, kita abis makan beresin sendiri dan buang sampahnya sendiri gituu.. iya di McD juga gini semua takeaway karena mereka ga punya pegawai yg bersiin meja.. coba di Indo gitu yaaa hehe]”
We were going back to the convention center, free time till 4 pm for Mentor meetup.. we’re attending technical presentation (looking at what the topic should we see, reservoir characterization would be great), the presentations were so cool, btw some SLS grantee also presenting their research [waahhh mereka keren sii, si Pari yang semeja ternyata presentasi juga]
After that, we were heading to SEG Book Mart to buy some books, bought Geophysics encyclopedy, 52 things you should know about rockphysics, and small signal theory book [sumpah seneng banget ngeliatin buku-buku lebih seneng lagi harganya murah… tapi dalam dolarrrrr kalo di rupiahin yaaa mahalllll]
3.45 PM, let’s go to Hilton Americas F for Mentor Meet Up, overall the mentors are from SEG Women’s Network with various roles in USGS, University professors, AGU, Geophysicists in the company. All students, from SLS, SEP, or even from the technical programs also joining here. We had a great talk and sharing among students and mentors. Here is the website AGU Mentoring program: you can sign up and get mentoring for your early career.
Went back to Hyatt, got Chicken Nugget [I love McD, hahahaha ini karena paling murahh disiniii wkwkkwk]
My roommate, Rimal asked to join on migling with SLS grantee at hotel’s pool.. I asked Tanisa, but she did not interest into it, Agra ate out with his friend, So I joined them, yaaa migling yaaa [dan mereka kayak kaget gitu karena aku full jilbaban gitu, aku kan ga niat renang, ya ngobrol2 aja, seru-seruan, ga minum-minum lah wkwkwk, kocak lagi aku diajak beli minuman ke warung gitu ngakak dah, ga usah dibayangkan yaaaa.. ada kolam, ada minuman dan ada music hahaha pengalaman udah cukup sekali itu aja yaa]
At around 9 PM, I and Fang went to the convenience store to look for some needs (water and snacks), I saw a lot Houston and Texas signs accessories can be bought as a gift.. then back to the hotel [aer 1 liter harganya 30rbu donk, agak sedih hayatii… tapi bener juga karena disini fasilitas tap water yang gratis itu banyak, beli snack buat sarapan besok pagi hihihi]..
Then going back to the hotel, enjoying Houston night, the atmosphere a half-world away from my home country.
Thank God, it was a splendid day!