Texas Trip Extra Day-3-5: Visiting San Antonio, Texas A&M, & Getting ready for back to Indonesia

By Widia Anggraeni - October 01, 2019

Saturday, 30 September 2017: Visiting San Antonio

Last night we were staying up until 4 AM, then I woke up late and they didn’t wake me up. Today, the day to visit San Antonio! 197.1 miles away far from Houston with around 3 hours driving, if we see on the Google Map the road route straightly connected by I-10 W. [Jika dibandingkan, ini jaraknya sejauh dengan Pemalang – Jakarta tapi ditempuh dalam waktu yang lebih singkat yaitu hanya 3 jam, maklum lah ya Negara maju infrastrukturnya sudah sangat baik]

During +- 3 hours driving via I-10 W, we saw the real scenery of rural farmhouse among agricultural land, agricultural land with dry grass rolls with the blue sky which are the same as Windows XP Backgr
round (Finally I saw it in real! Haha).

Arrived in San Antonio, the city seems old, full of history, and its name sounds like a city with a touch of Spanish culture. Okay, cited from visitsanantonio.com,  What is the city of San Antonio? San Antonio with its rich culture offers an authentic glimpse of early Spanish colonial life in the Southwest. As the first civilian settlement in Texas, San Antonio de Béxar was founded in 1718. 

We walked to visit the famous Alamo which is located in Downtown San Antonio, the Alamo is known for its historical site during the colonial era and already acknowledged as a World Heritage Site in Texas by UNESCO. To visit the Alamo, it cost FREE!
We were getting the savealamo map, walking around, going inside the church, watching the attraction, reading the historical story exhibited in the Alamo, and taking pictures anywhere. Here are pictures during the Alamo Tour!

San Antonio Riverwalk

After finishing the tour at the Alamo, with only a few steps we headed to San Antonio Riverwalk. sightseeing around the river path, seeing the scenery of the river with big greens tree and the scene of the busy boat tour. I saw there is a lot of colorful light lamp decoration along the river, It will be a stunning night here! Even though we visited in the day, it’s astonishing!

It's time for lunch, we went to the River Center, not far away from the Riverwalk easily to reach in a few steps. The River Center shop is surprisingly designed with the river in it, making serene and fresh air with water gurgling. Unfortunately, I don’t have the picture of this River Center Shop
We got Taco Bell for lunch! [Taco, ya Mexican food gitu, hahaha akhirnya ga McDonalds lagi yaa.. Aku beli yang paketan sama minum gitu, terus semua jenis saos sachetan dan bumbu sachetnya aku ambilin & dicicipin semua hahaha. Kok rasanya aneh-anehya wkwkwk. Buat aku si enak-enak aja, untungnya selama disini lidah dan perutku nerimo sekali jadi santuy makan apa aja masuk😊 Alhamdulillah ya]

After lunch wandering the shops, buying some small gifts, and enjoying the San Antonio atmosphere. A whole day in San Antonio, the sun goes down then going back to Houston within 3 hours, we had a fun driving and dangdutan along the way hahaha [Kita racuni Adi dengan lagu Sayang nya Via Fallen Hahaha]
Wonderful day in San Antonio! Thank God, Thank Adi & Thanks Tan Gra for made my day!


Sunday, 1 October 2017: Visiting Texas A&M

Adi invited us to visit his university, the University of Texas A&M! Located in College Station, which is around 1 hour and a half driving from Houston towards NW to College Station. During the time of driving, we saw the prairie view the bright blue sky. So magnificent day!

 [Rasanyaaa masih kayak ga percaya menginjakkan kaki di belahan dunia lain yang selisih waktunya 12 jam. Oiya belum cerita ya gimana komunikasi sama keluarga/temen-temen di Indo, jadi karena ga pasang Roaming (Mahalllll banget cuy ga kuat hayati wkwk) jadi Fakir WiFi dimanapun berada, namun amazingnya America itu banyak WiFi gratisan yang bahkan di tamanpun ada WiFinya. Komunikasi ya pake Social Media, karena selisih 12 jam jadi nelpon atau chatting pas pagi atau petang sekitaran jam 6-8]

Arrived at the Kyle Field Football Stadium! So this is a Football stadium located on the campus of Texas A&M University known for Home of the 12th Man. Adi told the story of Kyle Field the Football match and many things about Texas A&M University. Based on https://12thman.com/sports/2015/3/23/GEN_2014010154.aspx Texas A&M's Kyle Field has been the home of the Aggie football team since 1905. Kyle Field was named for Edwin Jackson Kyle, who served as Texas A&M's dean of agriculture and athletic council president. Kyle donated a 400-by-400 foot area of the southern edge of campus that had been assigned to him for horticultural experiments.

[Isinya poto-poto ajaaa hehe, terus keliling kampus liat-liat Geoscience collegenya, dan Petroleum engineeringnya yang terkenal banget, bisa dikataka terbaik untuk PE yaaa gaess. Keren!! Dan kita juga ngunjungin Campus apparel ya sejenis yang jualan merchandise all about Aggies! Aku beli Hoodie si buat kenang-kenangan kali aja nanti jadi Future Grad Studentnya yaaaa kan…. aminnnnn]

After getting around, time for lunch! Adi invited us to enjoy the Sushi nearby College Station. I don’t like Sushi to be honest even though deep-fried sushi, so I have Udon and yeah it tasted good! because this restaurant near the college, many of its employee are students, such as part-time maybe ya.[Alhamdulillah, lidah aku tuh ga pemilih selama disana hehe, kalo ditanya halal atau engga? Yang penting aku ga pesen yang ada pork/lard gitu si dan Adi ngasih tau banget kalo mau cari makan, jadi ya bersyukur punya temen yang ngasih tau. Jujur si disini susah kalo mau apa-apa cari yang labelnya halal ya susah, karenakan muslim disini minoritas gitu ya..]

Then, went to Home Depot to look for some needs for our extra baggage, we need cardboard, tape etc. That was my first time visiting the home depot, which all of you need for your home available there from the small pin to the roof, you can get everything there. We also visited Target! Getting around here & there, We bought chocolate, candy, keychain etc for bringing back home.
[Boleh jujur ga, boleh lah ya, jadi tuh disini tuh semuanya mahaall, plis jangan bilang “Ah gantungan kunci doank wid” heyyy.. gantungan kunci disini tuh $5-$7 dengan kurs rupiah Rp13,400 itukan udah diatas 50ribu yakan. Jadi aku bawa oleh-olehnya chocolate sama permen aja ya yang murah yaaa hehe]

Sun goes down and back to Adi’s apartment, cleaning then going to Om Zein House, as we were invited to visit them in Sugarland. We talked about our agenda and Om Zein told us those previous SLS students in 2016: one was his relatives, and my senior kak Aldo and one more have stayed over in Om Zein House.  Also talked about the Harvey hurricane-devastated Houston a month ago. Btw, Thank you Om Zein for your kindness! 😊
[Jadituh kemana-mana aku bawa jaket, suhu luar si emang biasa aja 27-29an derajat tapi di dalem Gedung atau rumahnya tuh biasanya dingin banget, dan beneran rumahnya Om Zein dingin banget hehe. Rumahnya beneran stylenya American banget yang ada perapian dan luarnya juga American banget deh. Nice!]

Before going back to Adi’s apartment, I ask Adi’s favor to stop by in Starbucks to buy the Starbucks tumbler with the Houston sign, Thanks Adi! Also stop by a moment in CVS, getting some medicine. Going back prepare for the packing! Our flight is 10 AM


Monday, 2 October 2017: Flight back to Indonesia

It was 5 AM after all is ready and packed. The time to go to the George Bush Intercontinental Airport our flight is 10 AM, 150 minutes must be there for the international flight. Check-in by ourselves by using the check-in counter machine then loaded the baggage. During the time waiting before the departure time we talk a lot, this our picture before the departure! Thanks Adi for your kindness! I owe you a lot!

Thank God! Thank SEG, Chevron, SEG SC Unila for amazing experience! Thankyou Agra, Tanisa & Adi.. sincerely nice to meet you all😊


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