An awardee of SEG/Chevron SLS 2017: Visiting University of Houston & The Commencement Day [Sept 26-27, 2017]

By Widia Anggraeni - September 26, 2019

Tuesday, 26 September 2017: Visiting University of Houston

My sleep has been adapted with a new time zone, we had some mandatory events to be attended but not too tight schedule, since last 2 weeks, we already had registered to join University of Houston Geoscience Labs Tour.

Even though we had free time this morning, but we went earlier to the Convention Center. Did you know what were we looking for? FREE BREAKFAST! We got Burrito! Hahaha [Jadi tuh ada booth yang ngasih sarapan gratis, oh God! We’re not going to miss it, mayan cuy hemat Cepek wkwkwk, My first Burrito, enaakkk apalagi geratiss tuh enak bangettt]

Getting around the convention center this morning, watching the booth presentation, buying some fossils & mini rocks. We had one mandatory event to attend the Chevron Careers Presentation at the Student Lounge at 1 PM. Because we had already signed for the UH Geoscience Labs Tour hosted by SEG Wavelets, so we were asking Kathryn permission to skip that event.

The tour started on the third floor of the George R. Brown Convention Center, we were going there seeing around where various seismic acquisition and rock physics analysis equipment from AGL (Allied Geophysical laboratories) were shown. Before going to the University of Houston, you know what? Pak Ozdogan Yilmaz was asking us where the exit direction [Ya Allah pengeeenn poto bareng L]

After that, we were heading to the University of Houston with 7 other participants from various universities around the globe.

Once arrived at the University of Houston, the committee provided us the lunch [Subway, enaaakk cuy, pokoknya apapun yang geratis tuh enak bangetttt hehe]

After that the committee took us to the campus to visit laboratories as follow:

  1. Rock Physics Lab (RPL)
    RPL introduction presentation by Coordinating Professor: Dr. De-Hua Han. Then tour the lab, explanation rock physics instrument such as rock properties (seismic velocity, density, rock modulus, porosity, pore fluid, etc). RPL University of Houston has been known for its excellent and world-class Rock Physics research. [Thank God ketemu Pak De-Hua Han yang banyak banget referensi rockphysics yang penulis pake di TA! Splendid! Oiyaa.. by the way, Penulis pengen banget kuliah di University of Houston dan fokus ke riset rock physics, Doakan semoga penulis kesampean yaaa… Aminnnnn]

  2. Center for Petroleum Geochemistry (CPG)
    CPG Lab tour & explanation by Coordinating Professor: Dr. Adry Bissada
    In CPG Lab, we saw and listened to the explanation of various instruments for TOC analyzers, Source rock analyzer, oil & gas extraction, etc. I got the experience to touch the oil sample extraction on the conical flask.

  3. Caribbean Basins, Tectonics, and Hydrocarbons (CBTH)
    CBTH lab tour & explanation by Project Director: Dr.Paul Mann. We found many large technical posters here. The hydrocarbon prospect from the basins & tectonics study always becomes an interesting topic to talk about with all the geological insights, Amazing!

After completing the UH Lab Tour, we saw around the campus: I saw many Muslims using hijab here including Zohreh as SEG Wavelets host, Yeah Houston is one of the US big cities. Then, going back to the convention center.

Previously, when I arrived in Houston, I emailed Pak Brian Russel that I hope I can meet him. Then, He replied that He will be available for the CGG Booth presentation as scheduled, I truly wanted to see him to thank how I am so grateful for his help during my Bachelor Final Project research. At 15.30 Pak Brian presenting on CGG Booth, I was waiting here, many audiences here. I also already told the booth keeper that I want to meet Pak Brian Russell as I emailed. So, after Pak Brian Russel finished his presentation, He told to Pak Brian I was waiting for him. Then… Hi… Handshake,

Me: “It’s me Widia from Indonesia that you’ve already helped me”
Him: “Yeah, I know you from Koya Suto”
Me: “Yes, Koya Suto helped me to get in touch with you regarding my research”.  
While opening my paper to be shown to him, I asked “I have a doubt for my interpretation that seemed the traps closure flank zone has brightest AVO anomaly, is it okay if I interpret this as the prospective zone?”
Him: “Yes, of course, you can. You might need further study for this. You have great research!”
Me: “Thank you, Sir, btw can I have a picture with you?”
Him: Sure!
Then his colleague helped us for taking the picture. Here it is the picture!

[Waduhhhh ga usah ditanya deh, yaaa gue seneng bangettttt lah bisa konsul sama Pak Brian Russell ahlinya AVO, yang bikin software HRS. IT’S FANTASTIC!!]

After that, I, Agra and Tanisa visited to the Geotomo Booth where Pak Ozdogan Yilmaz there (For getting a picture! Lol after missed this morning). Pak Yilmaz seemed busy at that time, so We were talking to the Geotomo staff there [Lama gitukan kita ngobrol2nya, eh ujug-ujug Pak Yilmaznya pergiiiii… sedih banget kitaaa udah nungguin lama ga jadi poto bareng, jugaan udah sore gitu siii.. Sedih Huhuhu, yasudahlah setidaknya udah tau aslinya Pak Yilmaz penulis kitab seismic processing hehe]

Then the sun goes down, enjoy the convention center fountain then going back to the hotel. It was an Amazing Day, Thank God!

27 September 2020: Student Chapter Commencement Day

Today is the Commencement Day at 1 PM!

Congratulation to AGH University for the Best Student Chapter of 2017!

So proud of My SEG SC University of Lampung for the award of the SUMMIT RANK Student Chapter!

Thank you for the amazing experience of the SEG/Chevron Student Leadership Symposium & SEG Annual Meeting Houston Texas 2017

Also met the Koya Suto! Thank You Pak Koya Suto for helping me & It was so glad we met again here!

We spent the afternoon at the Convention Center and Discovery Green, which had many pictures!

The last day of the convention, time for farewell, many SLS grantees have a flight tonight and some tomorrow morning. So, Tanisa, Feng, Agra & I have dinner in Flying Houston Saucer. Before going back to the hotel, we grabbed some snacks & water. It was a really great week! Thank youu SEG, Thank you Chevron, and Thank you SEG SC Unila!

Thank you for visiting my blog:))

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