An awardee of SEG/Chevron SLS 2017: The Second Day Student Leadership Symposium
By Widia Anggraeni - September 24, 2019
was going early to get my nametag at the convention then going to Hilton
Americas. I walked alone, hope nothing bad happened because this was a strange
place for me and many homeless (afraid if got robbed hehe). I met some SLS
awardee during my way, had some talk and I said that I went to convention
first. After printing my nametag going to the first level to get the kits, and
met Tanisa and Feng, so we were taking a picture in front of iconic Houston
wallpaper “rocket”. Then we were heading to Hilton Americas! Wow, there’s a
board before the entrance, so every participant should be writing their name..
the table just reset, so I looked for where my name put in, si Dave warmly said
using Bahasa Indonesia “Selamat Pagi”
was surprised “Pagi” (remember that Chevron has field in Sumatra)
added and pointed my seat “your name in here”
you, Dave”
the way, He knows Bahasa because he used to live in Sumatra, Riau exactly. [wah
seneng si disapa pake bahasa :)) when you were waking up and open my eyes have
to speak English and all day gitukan, kadang kalo rame gitu sama anak indo juga
English kan]
was so happy that I found a piece of paper about my Student Chapter Ranking,
did you know what’s my Chapter ranking??
So glad, so proud of my SEG SC Unila Team! Thank you team, we’re done a great
work to be awarded Summit Rank!! [Senenggg bangettttttt… kayak ga sia-sia
gitu tiap bulan bikin kegiatan.. terharuuu tim udah sejauh ini dan semua luar
biasaaa terharuu]
Full breakfast buffet, long line to get an omelet, I had been hungry, so I
grabbed some bread, fruit, and juice for my breakfast, Surprisingly in a table
with my roommate Rimal!
the second day of SEG/Chevron SLS!
all Student Chapter who awarded Summit Rank, stand up, please.. [Duhhh
bangga deh, yakan Summit Ranknya cuma 13 SCs dan ga semua dateng SLS kan..
senengggg bangettt SC dapet Summit]
welcoming by Chevron representatives, it’s time to go on group Student Chapter
Presentation.. all of their presentations were cool! Then, to be on my turn to
present it in front of Chevron representative and Group 4 [Dag dig dug donk
gue 4 terakhir nih presentasinyaa] I explain about various programs held by
SEG SC Unila, some of them was outreach program too, they were noticing an
unique term for “SOS – Solidarity of SEG SC Unila” I explained that we have 2D
1N event at the beach or park for intimating our teamwork, we also held bbq and
they were so curious how to set a fire [waduh bingung gue jawabnya lol,
mereka kagak maenan kayak kita yang penting ada korek cuy, cari kayu bakar
idupin api kelar deh itu bakar ikan.. satu lagi di Indo kagak ada itu larangan
bakar2 dihutan wkwkwk].
to another side of poster, I put my personal research which is the bachelor
research that I conducted in PetroChina Jabung with the topic was AVO and
Simultaneous Inversion.
mereka agak ga excited gitu ama presentasi anak s1, yaeya si kan di luar s1nya
ga ada skripsi kan… jadi yang orang chevronnya nanya nya itu, “did you conduct
the research on company?” “yes” udah gitu doank donk, terus ada si yang nanya
si anak S3 King Fahd “did you calculate the petrophysical data by yourself?”
“No I didn’t, I got secondary data from petrophysicist” “it will be good if you
could do it by yourself” Sumpah kan emang penelitian anak s1 tuh kayak cuma
remukan peyek donk.. nah kalo liat-liat presentasinya si anak2 yang master dan
PhD sumpah itu researchnya jadi topic yang seru banget buat diskusi… Huhuhu
yaaaa gue mah yaaaa apa yaaaa T_T Cuma TA yang klikklik software dan ga bisa
the presentation finished we took some pictures of our group using the phone [ini
kayaknya pada foto karena gue yang heboh minta poto wkwkwk] finally the
photographer was also taking us a picture! Group 4 rameee deh wkwkwk.. This is
one of our fun after the group presentation :
all the participants gathered in stair and had a picture! At first, the
photographer asked “short” of course I am to be at the top. Did you know
what? Gue ketilep donk, and the photographer noticed that I
couldn’t see on the camera “that girl” and I was raising my hand and answering
“me! me!” [kasian banget ga si guee ketilep ama bule2 genter]. Then, He
said to us for coming down and stand on the first line, while walking down I
said “I am the shortest, this is why I should be on the first line” [mereka
pada ngekek bahkan ada yang nepok gue wkwkwk wid wid luhup elo ini]. Then I
posed on the first line! WKWKWKWK
it was awesome!! And our picture was updated on SEG Fanspage, Cool! Share it
into my FB timeline lol.. IT’S STUPENDOUS MET YOU ALL!
The next agenda was Team Building Activity with Chevron, there were 2 parts the first teamwork for the bidding best choice for transportation to Galveston, TX. The second was Plan of Development, all groups have to decided what should we do and bidding for drilling well purposed. In the end, the best answer would be the winner and get the prize from SEG!
you have done great team! [disini gue sedih sii.. jadi gue yang nelaah
logatnya lama dan gue mikirnya ga secepet mereka T_T ya gimana si kalo gue
sarjana sendiri dan yang satunya tapi sarjana minyak yg emang tau banget.. lha
gue kagak tau apa-apaaa.. Sediiihhh… ga pantes banget disiniiii T_T.. Stop Wid,
don’t think it too much, let it be and take a learn for more study hard].
lunch, sandwich gitu.. itu gede banget si sepiring gitu, ada apel sama kripik
gitu.. gue pilih yang sapi, soalnya yang vegan cuma buat yang vegan.. namanya
gue laper yaaa.. yaudah gue makan meskipun rasanya gada rasa dan habis 2/3 donk
hahaha.. Prinsip: makan semua yang ada Widia, jangan pilih-pilih (asal ga b2
yaa hihi), mahalll klo elo mau makan di luar wkwkwk]
Presentation by Dave SEG Foundation Board Director and Geophysicist of Chevron
then break and announcement Top 5 Presentations, Innovation Award, and the best
poster award!
forgot whoever won the awards, Indian School of Mines, University of Auckland,
University of Dhaka, University Indonesia for the best innovation awards and
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Mineral for the best poster presentation
(tbh, his poster was so great and very well presented) he deserved for that..
Then all of them re-presenting their poster to all presentation.
Congratulations on the best winners!
SEG/Chevron Student Leadership symposium just completed! Concluding Remarks and
10TH Anniversary Celebration by Dave SEG Foundation Board Director and Geophysicist
Chevron and Jeff Shragge, Colorado School of Mines, 2007 SLS Alumni. We lined
as we preparing for the commencement day, and get the “SEG/Chevron SLS
Graduate” [during lining, we talked and tried to pronounce our name, most
people wrong called my name and told it to them how to pronounce it, and
learned from their name too “wcynz” such that, eastern Europe has many
consonant and consonant words..
had a 10th Anniversary Celebration Cake!
We had a superb talk, experience and time during SLS! Wonderful have met them all.. We got some kits from SEG and Chevron, Playable Clay, Binder Clips, and Squishy.. Thank SEG!!
so glad that we’ve completed it! Then I went to Poster station for taking back
the poster, and asked Agra for taking me a picture pretend such presenting
lol.. and he did the same lol as prove for the campus report.. (Sayang klo
ga dibawa pulang hehe, mending di bawa pulang kan yaaa posternya, terus
beres-beres meja dang a sengaja gue nyeplos pake boso jowo, dan kita ngekeeeekkkk
sumpah wkwkwkwk ya lucu sii udah sampe amerika gitu kan jauhjauh terus kita
ninggo boso jowo seng ra enek seng ngerti WKWKWKWKW]
PM, there was an Ice Breaker Reception in Exposition hall at 6 PM.. so we will
be joining there.. we decided to back to the hotel first for bath and headed to
there! Yeah!
banget donk dateng kan dapet makan, jadi biar hemat gitu, ga beli makan malem
hihi, berhubung si temen sekamar rapih dan pake heels, ya gue juga dandan lha
our picture before heading to George R Brown Convention! Me and my roommate –
Rimal Bhat
the walk along the Dallas St. and the windy day [Still unbelievable that I
steping my feet in here J Disini jam 6 itu masih kayak jam 4
sore, solanya magribnya jam 8an kurang gitu hehe jadi emang siang harinya itu
panjang gitu yaa.. masih kayak ga percaya, beda banget gitu auranya disini J]
have a drink ticket haha! tbh all of them were casual donk, I and my roommate
dress up like we’re going to the party lol and a guy admired my dress.. [ekspresi
mukanya itu kayak orang kagum gitu lhoo dari atas kebawah ngeliatin gue dan
bilang “you look so beautiful with that dress up and your flowerly headscarf”
aduh aku meleleeeehhh niiiiii uuu meleeeleeeeh hayaatiii.. kan emang orang2
barat kan emang pada jujur, kalo suka ya mengapresiasi banget, klo ga suka ya
ngomong ga suka.. ga kayak warga negara +62 wkwkwk]
met some SLS Grantees, Grabbing some food, talking and rounding around
convention, I was joining with Agra and Tanisa and Feng [ada snack kayak
risole isi cream + japaleno gitu, terus dibilang “be careful, it’s very spicy”,
then I and agra stared at each other.. “emang pedes?” “engga sama sekaliii”
mereka baik ngasih tau yaa.. biasa mereka kan ga makan cabe kayak kite yeekan..
btw kita split dan temen sekamar gabung ke gengnya, ya abis kan kita alimm ga
minum gitu ahahaha..]
were getting around the exposition and finally we were thirsty, dominated by
beer and wine, we were wondering there’s coke or not, and the bartender was so
kind and giving us some coke [colanya sebenernya kayak buat campuran gitu,
dan gada aer putih donk.. dan cola disini itu strong gitu ga kayak di Indo, hmm
tapi yaa begini resiko minoritas muslim sii yaaa]
ice breaker, then stopping by SEG Student booth there’s Kathryn with her
polaroid, taking a picture and tagged as where you from Indonesian and pinned
to the SEG World Connecting wall.. here is this…. Thanks for a nice capture,
had a great evening, spending evening and seeing on the light art and fountain
around Convention Center.. [pokoknya rasanya bahagia bangetttt.. atmosfirnya
beda bangett.. namanya juga pertama kali pasti membekas dan ga akan terlupakan
:)) ]
Selamat siang, Kak.
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