An awardee of SEG/Chevron SLS 2017: Announcement & The Preparation before SLS Day

By Widia Anggraeni - September 18, 2019

In this part, I want to share the way I passed before the announcement day and every document should I submit to SEG. 

14 June 2017 [Indonesian Time]
In the middle of Ramadhan, at the end of my Bachelor Thesis Research, almost done. I remember I was out of internet connection, I saw on SEG SC Indonesia President Group, one told that the SLS Announcement just announced by email. Oh God! I was so curious about the result and thenn…. 

It would be my first time to go abroad and America! It’s such unbelievable for me. Thank God! 

But my happiness just lasting for 15 minutes, after that I confused because I need to fulfill many requirements with the deadline. I called my mom, and I said that “my SLS Application is accepted”. I don’t have a Passport, then I asked my supervisors in PetroChina Jabung Ltd (Company where I conducted the research) to take Day-Off then went home to submit passport application and meet my SEG Faculty advisor. In 72 hours, we have to provide the affidavit letter signed by a notary and another agreement document.

Then, you have 2 months for applying for US Visa, after my passport released, I applied for US Visa B1/B2 for Bussiness or Tourist, Form DS-160. It was not really complicated because SEG provided you a Letter of Invitation included sponsorship during your travel in the US. The next week, I interviewed US Visa in US Embassy [scheduled at 7 AM, I came at 5.30 AM and I got line no.18, so you have to well prepare to come earlier hehe].

The question from an interviewer was simple (I wrote what I remember but it’s not the exactly worded),
“Which city do you will visit?”
“Houston, TX”, Doesn’t it SEG in Tulsa OK?”
“No, the Annual meeting will be held in Houston, Tulsa OK is SEG headquarter”
“What are SEG and SLS?”
“and what is the reason you should attend this program?”

Overall such those words, I was not nervous et al, I was so confident that I can get US Visa.. at the end of the interview, she appreciated my speaking and gave me “A White Paper” which meant my Visa application just Approved! (Aaa.. SO GLAD!! Alhamdulilllah.. let’s go the next step). By the way, Thank you Kathryn (SEG Students & Early Career Advisor) for all of your support!

The next step was Travel arrangement, Tax registry, short biography and the last poster for presentation:
Travel arrangement
Well because this was my first abroad trip so I and 2 Indonesian students (Agra and Tanisa) decided to get the same flight from Indonesia to Houston [
Hahaha I was just afraid if I get lost in the US].

I have a funny story, mostly I turn off my phone when I go to bed, but I felt like something wrong then I could not sleep, then I turned on my phone and I was shocked that our group had lots of chat about our three travel itinerary.. I was panic at that time, what should I do first tan, gra.. I read one by one, group and email, Oh okay, our first itinerary layover in Japan which arrive and depart from different Airport (I cannot imagine how that could be if I am alone). Tanisa had a trouble in her email, cannot read the attached file, and agra’s email sent but not received by travel agent.. [Dan Agra kena semprot di emailnya yang kata-katanya diblok merah, kita di grup candaan, galak euy abang nya wkwkwkwk, padahal udah dikirim emailnya, tapi masih kena semprot.. wkwkwkwk sabar sabar yaaakk] and it was clear and our ticket issued by 3.30 AM. Thank you for your kind assistance bang! I could not sleep again, and I tried to sleep at 7 AM. Yes, it was a long night.. 

The most confusing moment is Glacier Tax registry, to be honest, I was confused about how to fill it because I do not familiar with tax stuff.
[hahaha rame eh di grup fb, gue kira gue doank yang ga paham, ternyata anak S3 juga ada yang ga paham wkwkwkwkw, berarti bukan gue sendiri yang lemot ya.. emang agak susah dipahamin hehe]
Let me say, Thank you Kak Aldo for helping and guiding me! After I completed the online form, with my pleasure, help the others :)) [I still save my screenshot guide for this stuff, let me know if you need help]

Time flies, a month to go to the US!
Unfortunately, We had a piece of bad news that Houston devastated by Harvey Hurricane, the Convention center is being a shelter for more than 7000 evacuees. We hope it was going better, SEG always updated their news regarding Harvey Hurricane and its impact.
[Gue galau si, ini jadi engga, kalo ga jadi, kasian amat SEG yak tiket udah issued, hotel udah booked, semua-semua udah beres]
Wish Houston recover soon! Amiinnnn

Second by second, day by day.. I felt so down.. huhuhu I felt that I am not worthy for it, I am just nothing, I could not do anything T_T [suka ngedown kalo udah deket, kayak ngerasa ga pantes T_T]
You can Widia! Do not you remember HOW so long roads that you have gone through..
Okay.. I convicted myself that I CAN!! Keep moving forward Widia! It was your craving dream would be coming true..

By the way, I forgot to introduce them, from Indonesia.. We were three, I was from University of Lampung, Agra Adipta from UPN Veteran Yogyakarta and Tanisa Karima from University of Indonesia. I have known and met Agra before (he was in 20th floor, and I was in 19th floor lol), and met Tanisa in Airport before our departure. 
We have a great journey during in Texas, posted on the next page.
The next page: Awardee of SEG/Chevron SLS 2017: My first abroad trip 33 hours traveling a half-world

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